January 22, 2024

Bouncy! Recolours - Base Game Hairs

  • 27 additional swatches for all base game hairs
  • Disabled for random
Updates -
    + Added recolours for the new SDX hairs - CurlyShag, PonytailBaby, WavyClassicBaby,
       BraidedPonyBaby, Twist, TwistColour, and PonyBangs
    + Redid all swatches using gradient recolours and made slight changes to some colours
    + Fixed some missing/incorrect swatches
    + Added recolours for the new SDX hairs - AfroPuffsOmbre, BarrelTwist,
LongBraidedPulledBackOmbre, Bombshell2,
       Ponytail2, and LongStraightMiddlePart (login reward)   

Known Issue -
This is not actually an issue with the CC itself but...
Sometimes when using recolours child, toddler and infant hairs will randomly change colours.
This is not something I can fix as it's an issue with the game not the CC but I thought I should
mention it anyway.

Download -
PatreonMediafire | GDrive
(No SFS link on this one because the file was larger than file size limit)

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