CONTENTS Seven custom meshes: Long-sleeve, short-sleeve, and tank tops Long pants, shorts and undies/panties + matching puffy sl...

CONTENTS 3 tattoos (1 arm, 1 chest/neck, 1 arm + chest/neck) 3 colours each to suit different skintones Available for teen-elde...

CONTENTS Stand-alone recolours only 10 design swatches each English and Simlish versions Available for teen-elder female sim...

CONTENTS 22 NEW MESHES (3 mattresses + 4 pillows + 10 double blankets + 10 single blankets + 10 toddler blankets) 64 patterned ...
CONTENTS Found in the 'Gloves' category Female teen-elder only Base game compatible Custom thumbnails Disabl...
CONTENTS Available for all ages and genders Found under Skin Details 6 swatches (3 face only / 3 face + body) Base game compatibl...
CONTENTS Vampire fangs for humans and aliens Available for all ages and genders NOT Base game compatible Custom thumbnails Dis...
CONTENTS Teen - Elder Versions: Two new meshes (masculine + feminine) Found in “Skin Details” Hides hair, earrings, and m...
CONTENTS Seven new meshes: Long-sleeve, short-sleeve, and tank tops Long pants, shorts and undies/panties Puffy slippers...
CONTENTS Available for pets of all sizes and species 9 EA colours (default + non-default) 35 Sandwich Unnatural (non-defaul...
CONTENTS Stand-alone recolours (top/bottoms) + New mesh (slippers) 55 Sandwich colours per item 20 graphic options per item ...
CONTENTS 4 new meshes 55 colour options per mesh Base game compatible Custom thumbnails No mattress included - Use with a...
CONTENTS New custom mesh Available for teen-elder sims 18 original EA colours 35 Sandwich Unnatural colours 20 Sandwich Natur...
CONTENTS New custom mesh Available for teen-elder female sims (will also work for males but not perfectly) Includes 93 swat...
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