CONTENTS Seven custom meshes: Long-sleeve, short-sleeve, and tank tops Long pants, shorts and undies/panties + matching puffy sl...

CONTENTS 3 tattoos (1 arm, 1 chest/neck, 1 arm + chest/neck) 3 colours each to suit different skintones Available for teen-elde...

CONTENTS Stand-alone recolours only 10 design swatches each English and Simlish versions Available for teen-elder female sim...

CONTENTS 22 NEW MESHES (3 mattresses + 4 pillows + 10 double blankets + 10 single blankets + 10 toddler blankets) 64 patterned ...

CONTENTS Available for pets of all sizes and species 9 EA colours (default + non-default) 35 Sandwich Unnatural (non-defaul...

COST §108,551 LOT DETAILS This lot is CC free but you will still need to tick the "Include Custom Content" ...

COST §90,336 LOT DETAILS This lot is CC free but you will still need to tick the "Include Custom Content" optio...

CONTENTS Female Young Adult Sim Don't forget to tick "Include Custom Content" in the gallery Feel free to use m...
CONTENTS Found in the 'Gloves' category Female teen-elder only Base game compatible Custom thumbnails Disabl...
CONTENTS Available for all ages and genders Found under Skin Details 6 swatches (3 face only / 3 face + body) Base game compatibl...
CONTENTS Vampire fangs for humans and aliens Available for all ages and genders NOT Base game compatible Custom thumbnails Dis...
CONTENTS Teen - Elder Versions: Two new meshes (masculine + feminine) Found in “Skin Details” Hides hair, earrings, and m...
CONTENTS Seven new meshes: Long-sleeve, short-sleeve, and tank tops Long pants, shorts and undies/panties Puffy slippers...
CONTENTS Available for pets of all sizes and species 9 EA colours (default + non-default) 35 Sandwich Unnatural (non-defaul...
CONTENTS Stand-alone recolours (top/bottoms) + New mesh (slippers) 55 Sandwich colours per item 20 graphic options per item ...
CONTENTS 4 new meshes 55 colour options per mesh Base game compatible Custom thumbnails No mattress included - Use with a...
CONTENTS New custom mesh Available for teen-elder sims 18 original EA colours 35 Sandwich Unnatural colours 20 Sandwich Natur...
CONTENTS New custom mesh Available for teen-elder female sims (will also work for males but not perfectly) Includes 93 swat...